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Advisors to Dictators

Below you will find the list of advisors of the Rwandan Dictator General Paul Kagame. The list includes a university professor, corporate executives and CEO, renown preachers, and … the former Primer Minister of one the most powerful western countries.

Unfortunately these advisors may go down in history as the advisors of the most brutal dictator; a dictator who does not hide his pride in being compared to other dictators and murderers who existed before him: Hitler himself.
On this page, you will also find the pictures of this elite club members, showing their happiness, perhaps a joy they draw from that fulfilling duty.

One may wonder whether it Is Wise to be an Advisor to African Dictators? Only the advisors can answer it.

For our opinion,  you may read the answer to the Advisor  of the Rwanda ruling party  Mr. Servilien Sebasoni on March 1, 2007 during the  The Black History Month

Thoughts about African Tyrants here

Or see A Reflection on the Dilemma of Black Tyrants in Africa
List of Advisors to Rwandan Dictator General Paul Kagame and Read more…

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