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UN Security Council Updates Sanctions on Rwandans

In the UN Security Council decision SC/10018 of August 31 2010, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo updated the list of individuals and entities subject to the travel ban and assets freeze imposed by paragraphs 13 and 15 of resolution 1596 (2005) as renewed by paragraph 3 of resolution 1896 (2009) an as proposed by UN Sanctions Committee on  13 August 2010. The Rwandans and Congolese-Rwandans concerned are:

FDLR Leaders:

1- Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka, FDLR President and supreme commander of the FDLR-FOCA armed forces as of November 29, 2009.

Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka was arrested by German Federal Police on 17 November 2009 on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity and war crimes in the DRC, as well as on the basis of other charges related to the forming and membership of a foreign terrorist organization”. The UN Security Council accuses him of he following: ” exercises influence over policies, and maintaining command and control over the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003);  involved in trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. In telephone communication with FDLR military field commanders (including during the Busurungi May 2009 massacre): gave military orders to the high command: involved in coordinating the transfer of arms and ammunition to FDLR units and relaying specific instructions for use: managing large sums of money raised through illicit sale of natural resources in areas of FDLR control; Travelled to Uganda in 2006 in violation of travel ban”; and “According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict, he held command responsibility as President and military commander of FDLR for recruitment and use of children by the FDLR in Eastern Congo.”

2- Callixte Mbarushimana, FDLR  Secretary General and Vice-President of FDLR Military High Command . The UN Security Council accuses him of the following: “Political/Military leader of a foreign armed group operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, impeding the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation and resettlement of combatants, per Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b).”

3- General Sylvestre Mudacumura, As of November 2009,  FDLR-FOCA military commander. The UN Security Council accuses General Mudacumura of the following:

“FDLR commander, exercising influence over policies, and maintaining command and control over the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. Mudacumura (or staff) was in telephone communication with FDLR leader Murwanashyaka in Germany, including at the time of the Busurungi Massacre May 2009, and military commander Major Guillaume during Umoja Wetu and Kimia II operations in 2009.

According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict, he was responsible for 27 cases of recruitment and use of children by troops under his command in North Kivu from 2002 to 2007.

4 – Straton MUSONI, as of November 2009, FDLR  1st Vice-President and Vice-President of FDLR-FOCA Military High Command. Arrested by German Federal Police on 17 November 2009 on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity and war crimes in the DRC, as well as on the basis of other charges related to the forming and membership of a foreign terrorist organization. The UN Security Council accuses Mr. Straton Musoni of the following: “Through his leadership of the FDLR, a foreign armed group operating in the DRC, Musoni is impeding the disarmament and voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups, in breach of resolution 1649 (2005).”

5- Major General Stanislas NZEYIMANA, FDLR-FOCA Deputy Commander. The UN Security Council accuses him of the following:

Military leader of a foreign armed group operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, impeding the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation and resettlement of combatants, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b). In evidence collated by the UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee Group of Experts, detailed in its report of 13 February 2008, girls recovered from FDLR-FOCA had previously been abducted and sexually abused. Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, which previously recruited boys in their mid to late teens, has been forcefully recruiting youth from the age of 10 years. The youngest are then used as escorts, and older children are deployed as soldiers on the frontline, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP4 (d) and (e).

6- Brigadier General Stanislas  Mujyambere, FDLR-FOCA Commander of the Second Division of FOCA / the Reserve Brigades (an FDLR armed branch). The UN Security Council accuses him of the following: Military leader of a foreign armed group operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, impeding the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation and resettlement of combatants, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b). In evidence collated by the UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee Group of Experts, detailed in its report of 13 February 2008, girls recovered from FDLR-FOCA had previously been abducted and sexually abused. Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, which previously recruited boys in their mid to late teens, has been forcefully recruiting youth from the age of 10 years. The youngest are then used as escorts, and older children are deployed as soldiers on the frontline, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP4 (d) and (e).

7- Brigadier General  Pacifique Ntawunguka, FDLR-FOCA Commander of the First Division of FOCA (an FDLR armed branch).

Military leader of a foreign armed group operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, impeding the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation and resettlement of combatants, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b). In evidence collated by the UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee Group of Experts, detailed in its report of 13 February 2008, girls recovered from FDLR-FOCA had previously been abducted and sexually abused. Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, which previously recruited boys in their mid to late teens, has been forcefully recruiting youth from the age of 10 years. The youngest are then used as escorts, and older children are deployed as soldiers on the frontline, in violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP4 (d) and (e).


8- General Laurent Nkunda, despite arrest in Rwanda in January 2009 and removal as President of CNDP, retains some control over CNDP and its international network. Accused by UN Security Council as follows: “Former RCD-G General. Joined forces with other renegade elements of former RCD-G to take Bukavu in May 04 by force. In receipt of weapons outside of FARDC in violation of the arms embargo.

Founder, National Congress for the People’s Defense, 2006; Senior Officer, Rally for Congolese Democracy- Goma (RCD-G), 1998- 2006; Officer Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), 1992-1998.

According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict, he was responsible for 264 cases of recruitment and use of children by troops under his command in North Kivu from 2002 to 2009.”

9- General  Bosco TAGANDA, de facto military head of CNDP following arrest of General Laurent Nkunda in January 2009.  The UN Security Council accuses him of the following: “UPC/L military commander, exercising influence over policies and maintaining command and control over the activities of UPC/L, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. He was appointed General in the FARDC in December 2004 but refused to accept the promotion, therefore remaining outside of the FARDC. Since appointment as the de facto military head of CNDP in January 2009, has been instructed to manage integration into FARDC and given the post of deputy operational commander for Kimia II although this is officially denied by FARDC. According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment and use of children in Ituri in 2002 and 2003, and 155 cases of direct and/or command responsibility for recruitment and use of children in North Kivu from 2002 to 2009; As CNDP Chief of Staff, had direct and command responsibility for the massacre at Kiwanja (November 2008).

10- Colonel Jules Mutebusi. Former FARDC Deputy  Military Regional Commander. Arrested by the Rwandan authorities in December 2007 when he tried to cross the border into the DRC. Reportedly he is currently “restrained.” UN Security Council accuses Jules Mutebusi as follows: “Deputy Military Regional Commander of 10th MR in April 2004, dismissed for indiscipline and joined forces with other renegade elements of former RCD- G to take town of Bukavu in May 04 by force. Implicated in the receipt of weapons outside of FARDC structures and provision of supplies to armed groups and militia mentioned in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), in violation of the arms embargo.”

11- Douglas Iruta Mpamo, Owner/Manager of the Compagnie Aérienne des Grands Lacs and of Great Lakes Business Company. UN Security Council accuses him as follows: “whose aircraft were used to provide assistance to armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003). Also responsible for disguising information on flights and cargo apparently to allow for the violation of the arms embargo.”

The  entire list may be found at the UN Website.

©AfroAmerica Network, August  2010

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