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Possible International Collaboration Between RUD-Urunana and General Kayumba Nyamwasa, Reports German News Media Taz

Photo: Rakiya Omaar.

German news media, Die Tageszeitung  or TAZ, has reported that after the demise of the FDLR political leadership, new alliances and coalitions may soon take place in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to TAZ, the most likely shift of alliances will involve  RUD-Urunana taking over the Rwandan rebels of the Forces Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) and then forming a strategic coalition with the troops of the former  Rwandan Army Chief of Staff and Ambassador to India, General Kayumba Nyamwasa (see AfroAmerica Network articles on General Kayumba Nyamwasa in World Events archives).

In the October 13, 2010 article titled  “Der Krieg der Rebellen ist nicht vorbei (The War of the Rebels is not over, here ), TAZ reports that despite the recent arrests of the FDLR entire political  leadership based in Europe and high profile defections to Rwanda, FDLR remains a strong force and has massively recruited.

At the same, TAZ adds that for the first time in nine years, FDLLR troops have started to infiltrate troops into Rwanda and planning major operations, after reconquering the territories lost in 2009 and early 2010 to the FARDC.

TAZ appears to assert that to achieve success, two major alliances  are required: RUD-Urunana absorbing FDLR and then the new organization allying with General Kayumba Nyamwasa’s forces.

For More visit AfroAmerica Network World Events Pages: Possible International Collaboration Between RUD-Urunana and General Kayumba Nyamwasa, Reports German News Media Taz at htpp:/www.afroamerica.net

©AfroAmerica Network, 2010.

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