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Rwandan Rebel Officers from an Offshoot Group Surrender

Rwandan Rebel Officer from an Offshoot Group Linked to General Kayumba Nyamwasa by Rwandan Government Surrenders.

Sources in Rwanda tell AfroAmerica Network that a Rwandan rebel, Colonel Norbert Ndererimana aka Colonel Gaheza has surrendered to Rwandan security services, along with his bodyguard and three Rwandan intelligence operatives that were operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). According to the sources, the operatives, including a woman had been in Congo for the last few months, trying to convince both Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Tumusifu Moses to surrender.

The plan, hatched by Rwandan intelligence services, is to use the two in building the case against General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Karegeya. The Rwandan government has been trying to link the two dissidents to the Rwandan rebels operating in the DRC, especially FDLR and RUD-Urunana.

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The mission to get the rebels that the Rwandan government is trying to link to General Kayumba Nyamwasa was operationally launched in March 2011 when Rwandan government troops crossed into DRC (see our March 21, 2011 article – Rwandan Troops Reinforced by FDLR Deserters Reenter East-DRC). The mission of the military operations was to preempt any link between General Kayumba Nyamwasa and FDLR or RUD-Urunana troops based in Eastern DRC.

In late April 2011, Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana, another high ranking Rwandan rebel associated with Colonel Gaheza, surrendered to MUNUSCO and was subsequently sent to Rwanda. (see: Rwandan Rebel Officer from an Offshoot Linked to General Kayumba Nyamwasa Surrenders )

Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana, alias Kit, once an FDLR spokesperson based in Kampala, was imprisoned in Uganda in 2006. He was allegedly freed from prison following the intervention of RUD-Urunana leadership and intense lobbying with the Ugandan Government. He subsequently joined RUD-Urunana armed wing, the National Army (AN-Imboneza) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). However, in 2010, RUD-Urunana leaders expelled him from AN-Imboneza for unspecified reasons along with 10 people, including dependents.

He joined the armed group being set up by Colonel Gaheza, also expelled from RUD-Urunana in 2008 and Colonel Sok, expelled from FDLR-FOCA in around 2006. Both Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok were accused by the Rwandan government of working with the Rwandan dissident General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Ironically, Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana’s joining RUD-Urunana had coincided with the expulsion Colonel Gaheza. After the defection of Colonel Nizeyimana, sources in Goma told AfroAmerica Network that Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok accused the wife of Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana of having provided the intelligence to the Rwandan operatives. Before the defection, the wife of Wenceslas Nizeyimana had been crisscrossing between Rwanda and the DRC, and had spent two weeks visiting with her husband from her residence in Northwestern Rwanda and staying with the Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok’s troops.
Sources tell AfroAmerica Network that despite the accusations against Nizeyimana’s wife by Colonel Gaheza, Colonel Gaheza himself was already in contact with the Rwandan Security Services, through the operatives, and negotiating his surrender.
AfroAmerica Network has obtained from sources within Rwandan intelligence services e-mails and text messages sent to Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Moses by Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana after he defected. In one of the text messages, Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana is telling Colonel Gaheza the following message translated from Rwandan language (- see original in Rwandan language below):
Hi brother! We are in the camp where they are teaching us computer skills, that is why I am sending you a message so that we may give each other frequent updates on events. I am already well established. Here we will spend two to three months. Please pray for us so that we may not fail like Colonel Moses Tumusifu. We are ready for good things to come. How about you? Why don’t you come [to Rwanda] so that we may start a new life together, advise and support each other. Think about it and let me know. Kit.”
[Original: " Komera cyane mon frere. Ubu ndi mu ngando aho bari kuduhugura kuri computer ni nayo mpamvu mpise nkwandikira kugira ngo tujye duhanahana amakuru. maze kumenyera. Ino tuzamara nk'amezi 2 cg 3 ubwo ni ukudusabira tukazatsinda aya masomo kuko iyo wibeshye uradubura nka TUMUSIFU Moses. Twiteguye impinduka nziza. Wowe se bite waje tugatangirana ubuzima bushya tukajya twungurana ibitekerezo mu mikorere? Ubwo ubitekerezeho uzansubiza. Komera rero. Kit "]

According to Rwandan intelligence sources that provided the e-mails and text messages to AfroAmerica Network, Colonel Nizeyimana was given unfettered but watched access to the computer so that he may convince Colonel Gaheza to defect to Rwanda. Some e-mails and text messages were written by the handler but sent by Colonel Nizeyimana.
With the defection of Colonel Gaheza, analysts expect Rwandan government to revive the case against General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Karegeya, that had recently faltered after UN Panel of Experts on the DRC rejected Rwandan allegations (see our article No Collaboration Among Kayumba, Karegeya, RUD-Urunana, and FDLR, UN Experts Says).

©AfroAmerica Network, June 2011

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