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FDLR Commander General Mudacumura Allegedly Negotiating His Surrender to Rwandan Defense Forces

Sources close to Ugandan Intelligence Services have informed AfroAmerica Network that General Sylvestre Mudacumura the overall Commander of the troops of a Rwandan rebel organization based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR-FOCA), is negotiating his surrender to Rwanda Defense Forces.
According to the same sources and information leaked to the Ugandan news media, the contacts with General Mudacumura have been going on for a while, but have been dragging along due to guaranties and assurances requested by General Mudacumura.

The contacts were initiated by General Jerome Ngendahimana, but the negotiations are conducted by General James Kabarebe. Over the last two weeks, the alleged contacts between General Mudacumura and the Rwanda Military leaders have created rifts within FDLR military leadership. The rifts have slowed or put an end to two major initiatives underway:

  • the relocation to Maniema of close to 1,000 FDLR troops (see our articles: Rwandan Kagame Presses Kabila to Negotiate with FDLR and Rwandan Government Contradictions as DRC Government Negotiates with FDLR) and
  • the creation of a military coalition between the FDLR and another rwandan opposition group, RNC led by the exiled Tutsi general Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegeya (see here: FDLR and RNC create a military coalition led by General Kayumba Nyamwasa and General Sylvestre Mudacumura
  • FDLR and MONUSCO sources in Eastern Congo contacted by AfroAmerica Network confirmed that the tensions among the FDLR high ranking military were very high, especially after Ugandan news media published over the weekend of July 29-31, 2011 the information about the ongoing negotiations between General Mudacumura and General James Kabarebe. The information was allegedly leaked to the Ugandan media by Ugandan intelligence services and timed to be published during the visit to Rwanda by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. General Mudacumura has allegedly called an urgent meeting of the High Command to dispute the information.

    These alleged negotiations happen when an armed insurgency is reported in areas in Northwestern and Southwestern Rwanda. In Southwest, insurgents, believed to be Rwandan rebels based in DRC attacked a Rwandan army post, killed or captured most of the occupants and seized weapons. A few days earlier, grenades were throw on police patrolling an open market.

    In Northwestern Rwanda, on July 10, 2011 insurgents shot on a local leader, Agnes Nyirasafari the village chief of Cyamabuye in Busasamana, an area bordering the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and barely missed her. Her house was destroyed by grenades thrown by the suspected insurgents, who also managed to kill a dozen of cows distributed by the government to local Hutu villagers.

    The insurgents left pamphlets accusing the Rwandan government led by a small clique of aristocrats within the Tutsi minority ethnic group of “trying to transform the Hutu ethnic majority into Tutsis.”

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    • mohamed August 2, 2011, 12:13 pm

      le général aux abois.