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Colonel Yave, Rutshuru FARDC Commander Escapes Assassination [Updated}

Yesterday, AfroAmerica Network correspondents in North-Kivu province of Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) reported that Rwandan troops had killed FARDC Army commander in charge of the Rutshuru military operations sector. According to the latest news, it appears that the commander, Colonel Yave, survived the assassination attempt by special forces of the Rwandan Defense Forces, wearing FARDC uniforms. Only a number of his bodyguards perished in the attack. In the recent months, Rwandan troops have been crossing to DRC and integrated into the FARDC as ex-CNDP. CDNP is a former rebel group commanded by a indicted war criminal General Bosco Ntaganda. In recent years CNDP, sponsored by the Rwandan government according to UN Experts of the DRC, was split into several factions after the founder of the armed group was put under house arrest in Rwanda following pressure from the United Nations and the Unites States Government.
Recently Colonel Yave was singled out by the Rwandan military intelligence services of being behind the killing of a Rwandan special forces commander, Colonel Ali Habimana (see our article: FDLR Rebels Kill ex-CNDP Colonel Commanding Rwandan Defense Forces Unit in DRC of September 13, 2011. Colonel Ali Habimana, an ex-CNDP, was killed by the Rwandan rebels of the Democratic Forces of Liberation of Rwanda, FDLR, in the area of Murukoro, between Bunagana and Rutshuru.
An entire heavily armed unit, commanded by Colonel Ali Habimana fell in an ambush by the Rwandan rebels. Violent combats ensued. Almost all the soldiers were killed and the rebels seized the weapons. The Rwandan soldiers wore FARDC uniforms. Colonel Ali Habimana was killed in the attack along with all his bodyguards.
This is the third time within one month, that Colonel Yave escapes such assassination attempts
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