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Rwandan Defense Forces Troops Attack and Loot Rutshuru and Masisi in Eastern DRC

AfroAmerica Network correspondents in North-Kivu province of Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in Kigali, Rwanda report that the units of the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) that have been infiltrating the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo have started military operations and looting in the areas of Rutshuru and Masisi.
The Rwandan Defense Forces units have been crossing the border between Rwanda and the DRC over the last few months wearing FARDC uniforms and were disguised as former CNDP rebels. These Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) units include most of the former Rwandan rebels from FDLR and RUD combatants who were repatriated by the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of the Congo (MONUSCO) over the last three years. After undergoing rehabilitation in the camp of Mutobo in Northwestern Rwanda, these former rebels were trained in the Mukamira military camps before being sent back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to sources close to the Rwandan Defense Forces military
leadership, the RDF will rely on these former rebels for intelligence and their deep knowledge of the congolese jungles. The sources add that the Rwandan Defense Forces intend to use the former rebels in conducting looting and raping operations and later blame the FDLR and other Rwandan rebels for these operations and, hence justify the subsequent military operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The sources added that officials within the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of in the Congo (MONUSCO) appear to be aware of the situation but have chosen to follow the development from afar.
Some of the former Rwandan rebels that were sent back to congo as part of the Rwandan Defense Forces are:

1- Capt Chance
2- Sgt Adorce, who was the body guard of Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana, and was repatriated earlier this year with Colonel Nizeyimana
3- Corporal Muhinda alias Corporal Mbumba. He is a younger brother of and was repatriated with Colonel Rushidi in March 2010.
4- Private Bizimana
5- 1st Private Sabini
6- Sgt Nsengiyumva
7- Corporal Nsengiyumva alias Mumbere
8- Captain Anselme
9- Sgt Etienne
10- Captain Diata
11- Augustine Shabade

According to the same sources, it appears these elements are divided into two army units, with 80 operating in Rutshuru and 60 in Masisi. Augustine Shabade is civilian working in the army intelligence unit.
Over this week, the two units have started military operations and looting in Kiseguro, Rutshuru and in Masisi. Such operations are expected to intensify in the upcoming days.

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