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ECC Denounces Massacre of Rwandan Refugees in Shabunda by Congolese Militia

Eglise du Christ au Congo, ECC, has accused the Congolese militias known as Raiya Mutomboki of massacring 49 Rwandan Hutu refugees in the night of 22-23 October 2011.

In a statement sent out by the Eglise du Christ au Congo (ECC) and received by AFroAmerica Network, ECC gives details on the attacks by the Raiya militias. These militias attacked the village of Sangingi, in the locality of Kisenya, Area of Bakili, Territory of Shabunda. They then continued to the adjacent villages of Malanga where they killed 13 people and Kisenya, where they killed another 36 people.
The 49 victims were buried on Tuesday October 25, 2011 by the ECC church of CELPA Lwaanda/Idunga.
The surviving Rwandan Hutu refugees fled to the village of Chaminunu, in the locality of Ciguko.
After the attacks, the militias returned to their stronghold of Shabunda, promising more attacks. The attacked villages have been deserted.

ECC is one of the protestant churches well implanted in the Eastern Congo, especially in North and South Kivu. One of the main leaders is Bishop Kuye Ndondo, a senator. He was involved in Rome and Kisangani process between the DRC Government and rwandan rebels of the Rally of Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana). Bishop Kuye Ndondo is also known to be one of the closest confidents of the DRC president Joseph Kabila.

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