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Rwandan Troops Massacre Congolese Hutu in Jomba, Kivu.

Sources close to the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) tell AfroAmerica Network that Rwandan Defense Forces units, that include several ex-rebels from the CNDP and the FDLR who had returned to Rwandan in the last years, have launched operations in the area of Jomba and Rutshuru over the week of October 24 to 30, 2011.
During the operations, Rwandan Defense Units massacred several civilians, mostly with machetes and knives.
The military operations targeted the villages of Karambi and Kitagoma in Rutshuru.
Rwandan Defense Units continued their operations to the village of Chea in Jomba where they massacred around 25 civilians during the night of October 26, 2011.
Some civilians who fled to the bushes were later captured and massacred. In total 35 congolese Hutu civilians were massacred by the Rwandan Defense Forces soldiers.

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