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Boniface Rucagu, RPF Militia Chief, Grilled Over Relationship with Gatebuke, a US-Based Rwandan Activist

Sources close to the National Intelligence Security Services (NISS) have informed AfroAmerica Network that Boniface Rucagu, the head of Intore, the youth militia of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), has been undergoing tough interrogations over his relationships with a United States based Rwandan human rights activist named Gatebuke.
It is alleged that a certain Gatebuke and his relatives have been particularly active in campaigns against the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame during the visits to the United States, while maintaining close relations with Boniface Rucagu.
According to the same sources, Boniface Rucagu, who is viewed as the most influential RPF leader hailing from Northwestern Rwanda, is accused of having gone beyond what is expected from a government official by maintaining close contacts with government critics. In one of the most serious accusations, it is alleged that recently a relative of the Getebuke’s who, according to NISS, lives in the state of Tennessee, visited Rwanda. During a month long visit, he stayed at Boniface Rucagu’s home. Boniface Rucagu, who was then a provincial governor, lent a government official car, a driver and a security guard to Gatebuke, to move around Rwanda.
According to the sources within NISS, during the interrogations, Boniface Rucagu admitted to having housed the individual and made a car and a driver available, but after getting a green light from Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) secretary General, Faustin Ngarambe, Rwandan Intelligence chief, General Jack Nziza, and NISS chief Colonel Emmanuel Ndahiro. The purpose was to create a network of RPF supporters in the United States of America, especially in areas where a concentration of Rwandan opposition groups are most active.
Boniface Rucagu also said he is being vilified because the plan may not have gone as planned due to the failures within RPF general secretariat, NISS, and Rwandan Embassy in Washington, DC.

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