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UK Embassy Advises Citizens to Avoid All Travel to Parts of Rwanda After Grenade Attack

On January 4, 2012 the Rwanda National Police (RNP) has issued a press release confirming a grenade explosion on the evening of Tuesday, January 3, 2012 in the Gasabo District of Kigali. Following the January 3 attacks, several embassies in Rwanda have warned their citizens and advised them to take additional precautions. Hence the UK Embassy in Rwanda has advised

“against all travel to specific parts of Rwanda and against all but essential travel to other specific parts of Rwanda.”

In the press release issued by the Rwanda National Police Spokesperson Theos Badege,and obtained by AfroAmerica Correspondents in Kigali, Rwanda, the grenade explosion killed 2 people and injured 18. According to the statement, the explosion happened in around

6:40PM in Marembo Village, Nyabisindu Cell, Remera Sector, in a populated area where people were selling fruits and vegetables.

In recent years, the heavily militarized and policed Rwanda, has been rocked by several grenade attacks, resulting in multiple casualties and injuries. There have been 11 grenade attacks in the capital since early 2010 which have wounded more than 100 people and killed tens of people. The attacks include two in 2011: in the Nyarugenge District of Kigali in March 2011 and in Rusizi town in the Western Province in July 2011.
Rwandan government was quick to condemn political dissidents, but has so far failed to provide convincing proofs. Political dissidents have instead accused the Rwandan government of being behind the attacks in order to justify a crackdown on the opposition. Among the people accused by the Rwandan government are two former high-ranking army officers now in exile in South Africa.

The two former officers are Lieutenant-General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, a former army chief of staff and ambassador to India and Colonel Patrick Karegeya, a former intelligence chief.

Thirty other suspects are being tried for the attacks.

©AfroAmerica Network 2011.

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