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No FDLR General Surrendered, FARDC sources say

Contrary to reports, initially published by the chinese news agency Xhinua Net, that three generals within the Rwandan rebels of the Forces Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR), no FDLR general has surrendered, sources within the Congolese military, FARDC in Goma told AfroAmerica Network.
According to Xinhua Net breaking news in French of February 1, 2012, citing the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) and FARDC sources, three brigadier generals along with their 32 body guards surrendered to RDF in Rubavu, Rwanda, following joint military operations of RDF and FARDC in the COngo against the FDLR rebels.
According to sources within FARDC, FDLR is led by four generals: Major General Mudacumura, the overall commander, Brigadier General Stanislas the second in Command and commander of South-Kivu Division, Brigadier General Omega, the commander of North-Kivu Division, and Brigadier General Gaston Iyamuremye, the current President of FDLR. None of these four generals has surrendered.
Xinhua appears to have since withdrawn the article.
Observers wonder how the reputable Xinhua may report such an important event without due verification.
In recent months, FDLR has suffered major blows, due mostly to alleged in-fightings and raids by Rwanda Defense Forces commandos disguised as congolese Mai-Mai combatants.
On January 11, 2012 the Chief of Staff Brigadier General Leodomir Mugaragu was killed by an RDF commando inside his commanding post. In November and December, Colonel Sadiki, the commander of one of the most active battalion was assassinated by Mai-Mai and another commander of a battalion was killed near the border with Rwanda. In late January 2012, another battalion commander was assassinated along with FARDC officers during in an ambush by unknown heavily armed individuals. Allegedly, he had been meeting the FARDC officers for unspecified business dealings. It is believed he was killed by his dealings associates, although other sources told AfroAmerica Network that he may have been ambushed by FARDC or RDF operatives who had learned of the meeting.

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