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DRC President Joseph Kabila Appoints an Interim Prime Minister

On March 6, 2012, Joseph Kabila, the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC), has appointed an interim Prime Minister who will be responsible for running current affairs until the a permanent Prime Minister takes over.
The interim Prime Minister, Louis Alphonse Daniel Koyagialo Ngbase te Gerengbo, was named after the resignation of the government led by Alhonse Muzito, who is becoming a member of the Parliament. He is a member of the Alliance of Presidential Majority (AMP), a coalition of political parties supporting President Joseph Kabila. He was the deputy to the late Katumba Mwanke (see here) and one of Joseph Kabila’s close associates. In 2009, he replaced Augustin Katumba Mwanke as the Executive Secretary of the AMP.
Louis Alphonse Daniel Koyagialo Ngbase te Gerengbo, who hails from the Province of Equateur, has occupied several political positions in past: Deputy Governor Kasaï-oriental and Kivu, governor of Katanga, then known as Shaba.

The nomination of an interim Prime Minister highlights the political wrangling in Kinshasa, where Joseph Kabila appears to be trying to buy time, to let the tensions calm down in Kinshasa and as the rebellion is intensifying in the East. It is expected that the permanent Prime Minister will be Laurent Kengo Wa Ndondo, a prominent opposition leader who has the support of the West and the powerful Catholic Church led by Cardinal Monsengwo (see our article here).

©2012 AfroAmerica Network.

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