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DRC: Countdown to the Formation of New Government

The countdown for the formation of the new government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has started, barely one day after the DRC President, Joseph Kabila, appointed an interim Prime Minister following the resignation of the former government (see our article). The countdown was signaled on Thursday, March 8, 2012 by the appointment of a person who will lead the consultations for the formation of the new government. The appointee, Charles Mwando Simba, a close to President Joseph Kabila and the Minister of Defense within the outgoing government, is tasked with identifying a majority coalition within the Parliament. He will have to report to the president within 30 days. However, sources in Kinshasa tell AfroAmerica Network that his role is more for calming the various factions, than influencing the formation of the Government.
AfroAmerica Network continues to receives reports from sources close to President Kabila and his associates confirming that among the several contenders to the post of Prime Minister, Leon Kengo wa Ndondo remains the top candidate. He is supported by the powerful Catholic Church, the West, and some of the main leaders of the opposition. However, his main weaknesses remains his family ties in Rwanda, which is led by General Paul Kagame, the archenemy of the Congolese across the board who accuse him of being responsible of more than 5 million civilians, mostly in Eastern DRC.

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