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Rwandan Paul Kagame Singled Out at the UN Briefing For Supporting General Bosco Ntaganda

On May 22, 2012, the UN Secretary General Special Representative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), Roger Meece, briefed the UN Security Council on the deteriorating situation in the DRC.
During his press conference, Roger Meece pointed out that the fighting between the FARDC troops and the troops of the Congolese renegade General Bosco Ntaganda and Colonel Sultan Makenga “has produced an opportunity for armed groups operating in the Kivus — Mai-Mai Cheka, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a group known as “Raia Mutomboki” in South Kivu province and others — to capitalize on the prevailing state of insecurity in pursuit of their own interests.”
General Bosco Ntaganda and Colonel Sultani Makenga who now leads a group called M23 are backed by the Rwandan Defense forces. General Bosco Ntaganda is an indicted war criminal. The Rwandan Government has denied supporting the mutineers. However, during the briefing, Roger Meece was asked to comment on the widely known support from the Rwandan leader General Paul Kagame to these renegade warlords. Roger Meece, while remaining vague, insisted on the gradual warm up of the relations between the Rwandan and Congolese governments. He also mentionned the recent agreements between teh two governments.
When pressed to comment on the recent statements made by Rwandan Dictator General Paul Kagame in support of General Bosco Ntaganda, Roger Meece stated that he was not aware of the statements.
Recently, the Rwandan Government mouthpiece editorial line insisted that General Bosco Ntaganda was a scapegoat, and the real targets were Rwandan government leaders (see our article on the topic here.

On a positive note, Mr. Meece affirmed that the forces of MONUSCO have been militarily engaged alongside the FARDC to protect civilians and vulnerable areas, “throughout the region where there is fighting going on”. The military engagement of MONUSCO was confirmed by our sources in Eastern DRC (see our article “Scores of Rwandan Defense Forces Soldiers Killed or Injured in FARDC Counter-attack.
Meanwhile, since late last week, Rwandan Defense Forces have concentrating in Nyamilima and expanding to Nyakakoma and Ishasha, 150 km north of the North-Kivu capital Goma and close to the Rwandan and Ugandan borders. The troops of General Bosco Ntaganda and Sultani Makenga have occupied other villages closer to the Rwandan border with the DRC and near the Virunga national park.

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