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UN Security Council Discusses Rwandan DRC Invasion

As fresh Rwandan troops have been crossing the border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to reinforce the Congolese rebels led by General Bosco Ntaganda and Colonel Makenga, the UN Security Council held a briefing on the situation in Eastern DRC on June 13, 2012 and June 14, 2012.
According to sources at the UN, the extent of the Rwandan involvement appears more serious and deeper than what has been leaked by the media (see our previous articles). It appears that high ranking Rwandan Generals are directly commanding the rebels and exploiting Congolese naturals resources.
Sources in Rwandan informed AfroAmerica Network that last week, most of these Rwandan generals and top officials gathered in Rwandan Northwestern town of Kinigi around General Bosco Ntaganda, during the mourning of General Ntaganda’s father who passed away recently. General Bosco Ntaganda has been commanding his troops from Kinigi but appears to have crossed back into the DRC with the fresh Rwandan Defense Forces troops.
The discussions at the UN Security Council also centered around the Rwandan membership to the UN Security Council next year. Some members of the UN Security Council wonder how Rwanda will be able to participate objectively while being the major stumble block against peace in the Great Lakes region of Africa.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, June 14, 2012, the Congolese rebels of M23 and ex-CNDP reinforced by the Rwandan Defenses Forces troops have attacked and pushed back FARDC from several positions along the DRC-Rwanda and DRC-Ugandan border all way to Rutshuru and Masisi and were targeting the major FARDC military base of Rumangabo, 30 miles from the North-Kivu provincial capital of Goma.
Sources in the area informed AfroAmerica Network that FARDC troops were abandoning their positions and some fleeing on Thursday morning and MONUSCO had to intervene to stop the rebels’ advance and boost the morale of the embattled FARDC soldiers.

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