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M23 and Allies Reach Walikale; Progress Towards Kisangani; FARDC General Ruhorimbere to Defect

Sources close to M23 Congolese rebellion inform AfroAmerica Network that Rwandan Defense Forces, M23 troops and one of their allied militia, the Mai-Mai Raia Mutomboki, have progressed westward and have reached the city of Walikale on their way to Kisangani. They attacked the city of Walikale late Monday July 16, 2012 and early morning of July 17, 2012 sending the residents into the bushes.
The city of Walikale is a hub between South Kivu, North Kivu and Maniema. It is the capital of a large territory, an almost no-man land between the three provinces. Until recently the territory was the bastion of Rwandan rebels of FDLR. With the latest attack from the coalition of Rwandan Defense Forces, M23 troops and Rai-Mutomboki, the FDLR commander General Mudacumura has abandoned his headquarters and fled along with most of his troops and the dependents. His whereabouts are unknown.

By early afternoon of July 17, 2012, the Rwandan Defense Forces, M23, and Rai-Mutomboki had blocked the road from Walikale to Kisangani and are believed to be reorganizing for their march on Kisangani.
The FARDC troops present in Walikale have also abandoned their positions, especially their stronghold of Kampala, along with weapons and equipments and fled to the bushes with the local population.

Other sources within M23 and their allies inform AfroAmerica Network that General Ruhorimbere (see our articles: General Bosco Ntaganda Moving troops to Ituri and Masisi of April 29, 2012, and Kivu Insurgency: PARECO and FARDC Deserters Take Up Arms Against FARDC and Rwandan Troops of February 16, 2012) , the FARDC commander in North Kivu, in Beni and Butembo areas is about to officially defect. General Ruhorimbere is from the ex-CNDP, the parent of M23, which is a proxy militia of the Rwandan Government. He allegedly is waiting for the pay for his troops before he defects.

©2012 AfroAmerica Network.

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  • Kagame Clinton July 21, 2012, 11:59 pm

    Keep on lying and be a part of envying what is not yours.
    DRCongo will shine one day as any other nation on earth, you be put to shame. Only God can change what you can’t, as you are only human and weak, your evil wishes will not always be fulfilled.
    only a fool won’t remember how you dealt with Mobutu, Kadhafi, Bin Laden, Laurent Bagbo the next will be your marionette Paul Kagame and his god father Bill Clinton will be clapping hands, smoke cigar and drink wine.
    The evil plan against Congo set up by ghosts will never succeed as Congolese people are not stupid as you think.

  • alex July 18, 2012, 2:38 pm

    What a non sense article? Can you try to feed us with some non biased news? If Ruhorimbere is a commander of FARDC, and is about to defect toward M23 then M23 is not a Rwanda defence force. Don’t try to create an amalgamate situation because Congo has no adequate infrastructures and people have little knowledge about what is happening in the Eastern part. Some of my Congolese compatriots never heard about Congolese tutsis or Hutus up untill the 1994 rwandan genocide, so please don’t confuse them. Give them the right news or maybe try to drwaw a Congo map because some Congolese in Katanga, Kinshasa, matadi think Goma, Rutsuru, Bukavu, Bunagana, Walikale think all these cities are in Rwanda. Correct information is needed

    • Jeremy July 21, 2012, 10:00 pm

      you seem very confused if not mistaken . The article did not say that M23 is a Rwandan Defense force. AfroAmerica Network articles have long underlined that M23 is composed by Congolese Tutsis (ex-CNDP) and trained, armed, and reinforced by Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF). This is by the way is consistent with the latest UN and US findings. General Ruhorimbere is an ex-CNDP, probably one among the few still on the fence. Hence, General Ruhorimbere is a Congolese Tutsi, about to defect from the FARDC to a Congolese Tutsi rebellion, M23, armed, trained, funded and reinforced by Rwandan Defense Forces. Is there any confusing element? Jeremy.