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FARDC Deserter Colonel Bisamaza Trying To Join Colonel Mboneza

M23 Commander Colonel Mboneza

M23 Commander Colonel Mboneza

Sources within M23 Congolese rebels and PARECO-Union des Congolais Patriotes pour la Paix (UPCP) inform AfroAmerica Network that FARDC deserter Colonel Richard Bisamaza has entered the territories controlled by UPCP in the direction of Kiwandja in attempt to join M23 commander Colonel Mboneza. UPCP is led by General Kakulu Sikuli Vasaka Lafontaine.

Colonel Richard Bisamaza, accompanied with 60 fighters, reached the territory controlled by UPCP after spending a few days in the village of Mangurejipa in the Lubero territory in North-Kivu.

Colonel Bisamaza, from the Tutsi ethnic group, was the acting commander of the first sector of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) in Beni,  when he deserted on Monday August 12, 2013, along with close to 60 troops.  He the last of the series of defections of Tutsi commanders within the FARDC.  He had been suspected for some times of trying to defect along with Colonel Ruhorimbere, the FARDC overall commander in Beni and Butembo (see our article M23 and Allies Reach Walikale; Progress Towards Kisangani; FARDC General Ruhorimbere to Defect?  of July 12, 2012)

Both Colonel Bisamaza and  Colonel Ruhorimbere are from the ex-CNDP, the parent of M23, which is a proxy militia of the Rwandan Government. The Congolese government eventually redeployed General Ruhorimbere before he was able to defect

and promoted him to the rank of Brigadier General.

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