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Tanzanian People’s Defense Forces (TPDF) High Ranking Officer of Rwandan Descent Allegedly Defects to Rwanda

Rwandans Expelled From Tanzania in August 2013

Rwandans Expelled From Tanzania in August 2013

Sources within Tanzanian army inform AfroAmerica Network that a high ranking officer within the Tanzanian army, known as Tanzanian People’s Defense Forces  (TPDF), has disappeared and is believed to have defected to Rwanda. He is suspected to have defected with highly sensitive military intelligence.

The high ranking officer, with the rank of Lt Colonel, only known under the name of Selumbo, has disappeared as the relations between the Rwandan and Tanzanian governments are at a historical low (see our articles here, here, and here)

In recent days, the Tanzania Government has expelled thousands of illegal immigrants, the majority of whom are Rwandans. So far, Rwandan government officials have confirmed that more than 5,000 people and tens of thousand cattle have crosses into Rwanda. Thousands more chose to cross into the Mutukula border town of the Rakai District in Uganda, some saying that they fear repression if they were to return to Rwanda.

Following the expelling, medias close to the Rwandan government accused Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete of targeting Rwandan, even those with legal status, including Tanzanian citizens of Rwandan descent. Some medias went as far as to question the very citizenship of the Tanzanian president, alleging that he, himself, is a descendent of Burundians, since a Burundian citizen (see here).

Whether the defection of the TPDF high ranking is related to the deterioration of the relations between Tanzanian and Rwandan government, this latest incident and the rhetoric in Rwandan government controlled media may not help ease the tension between the two neighboring countries.

Already, in Tanzania, there are numerous rumors alleging that several military officers of Rwandan descent have already deserted and fled to Rwanda over the last two weeks.
© 2013 AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Victor August 26, 2013, 10:28 am

    Oh!The flies are going back home . The great lake region is to be very careful,because these small and tall guys are infiltrated almost every where. They believe in a Large Tutsi Empire in Central Africa which is impossible . Here in DRC we know how to deal with them and they know exactly when and how things can explode,but we don’t like the blood shed as they do

  • MK .mulopwe August 24, 2013, 12:24 pm

    sevreral times I told you that M23 are not congolese rebeles .all of them are simply rwadan cityzen.despite 3 or high ranked congolese inserted among the M23.

  • Benzion August 21, 2013, 12:51 am

    If your argument is right, The Kagame n his bunch of killers were pursuing the interahamwe in Congo? So from 1996-1998… so James Kaberebe was the fact and deceitfully the Rwanda Nationla chief of the army of all Congo, right? the rwanda militaries were all pour in the congo security services(Bosco Tangana, Viani, JulesMutebesi, Laurent Kunda). How come that you neva finished the job of murdering all the Hutus and interahamew in Congo, since you occupied all the east of Congo for over 15 years???? united nations massacres report over report(Emma Bonino) is testimony of you horrific crimes… me…. in addition, you boss Kagame has created his own group of Hutus and set up his proxy army(rdc, CNDP, M23) to wreak havoc in Kivu…. Shame on you for murdering and committing mass rape in congolese people who fed you when you were in exil… we had enough of your lies… your day of reckoning is coming.

  • karim August 20, 2013, 9:07 pm

    What you should know first is why the Rwanda helped kabila to take power in Congo, the mission for Rwanda was to captured all these hwo has participated In Rwanda genocide, and to stop them to atack Rwanda in order to care on the genocide in Rwanda, but you must remember that after Rwanda puting Kabila on power few months late then Kabila decided to chase the Rwandaise and at the sametime. Hi started to recruting the interahamwe ,so therefore Rwanda had no choice that time because Kabila has turned down the deal they had.remember that Kabila has promised the FDRl that hi will help them to atack Rwanda .but is so sad to see how Kikwete is chasing peoples from Rwanda leaving in Tanzania that is just to be a cawed because some of these people they have refuge status users they have sitizenship users they never even prepared ,according to what Kikwete said that Rwanda should have dialogue with those FDRL. Wich killed has carrying the Genocide in Rwanda In 1994 , for me I think there’s something wrong with KiKwete because first of all hi must understand the definition of Genocide then hi can starat tolk about dialogue,or him can have dialogue with ALL KIDA hwo killed peoples in American embassy in Darisalam,

  • Ben August 19, 2013, 9:14 pm

    This show once again those peoples of Rwandan origin no matter where they are ,no matter which passport they may be holding in their arm ,those people can not be trusted at all.This happen in DRC when the late President Laurent desire kabila asked the foreign troupes to return to their country .Deograsias Bughera,Moise Nyarigabo.Bizima Karaha who held the post of minister of foreign affairs told Kabila that if Rwandan troupes return ,He too will have to return to Rwanda,Kabila told him no your army is here (the congolese army) is here to protect you as well beacuse you are a citizen of this country …guess what happen He fled to south africa. Minister of foreign affairs fleeing his country because the foreign troupes are going to their home country.Laurent Kabila said we were living with the spy of Rwanda here. They are so many in the great lake region ,pretending they are law abide Citezen of that country …but behind close door they will be doing dirty business ,sending all secret information to Rwanda.I really hope is not true ,because if and I repeat if it’s true ,this will cause them to loose jobs ,demoted ,removed from high post…because trust will be no more to those people.