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UN Security Council in a Deadlock over Sanctions Against M23 Rebels Leaders

 SA Air Forces  and Army  Troops Training Before Deployment to the DRC

SA Air Forces and Army Troops Training Before Deployment to the DRC

The United Nations (UN)  Security Council met today, Thursday August 29, 2013, on the situation in Eastern DRC. The purpose was to examine the possibility of additional sanctions against the leaders of the Rwandan government backed M23 Congolese rebels.
According to sources at the United Nations, earlier versions of the draft proposed by France and the United States have been rejected, due to the opposition by the Rwandan government representatives at the UN Security Council.
The Rwandan delegation was especially against the proposal to add sanctions on the following M23 rebels leaders:
* Colonel Eric Mboneza, the M23 Rebels commander in Rutshuru and Kiwandja
* Colonel Vianney Kazarama, the M23 Rebels spokesperson.
Both Colonel Eric Mboneza and Colonel Kaina, who is already on the list of UN Sanctions list, have been working with the Rwandan Defense Forces General Eric Murokore and Major Gerard Ntashamaje (see our article General Eric Murokore and Major Gerard Ntashamaje Recruiting for M23 Congolese Rebels of August 2, 2013)

Meanwhile, the commanders of the South African contingent within the UN Intervention Brigade have deployed South African Special Forces, who, on Thursday, claimed killing more than 6 M23 rebels and destroying several M23 rebels’command posts around Goma.
South African President Jacob Zuma has confirmed that three South African troops were injured while providing “fire support in forms of artillery bombardment and mortar shells together with gunships and airstrikes.”

South African Defence Union national secretary Pikkie Greeff told the media that South Africa will deploy, within a short period of time, two Rooivalk helicopters to the DRC to increase the firing power of the UN Intervention Brigade.

Following is the draft press release proposed by France and the USA, and accepted by a lll other UN Security members, except Rwanda, as obtained by AfroAmerica Network:


On 22 August 2013, the members of the Security Council heard a briefing by Mr Edmond Mulet, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, on the situation in Eastern DRC.
The members of the Security Council condemned the resumption of fighting in Eastern DRC. They condemned in the strongest terms the repeated and targeted attacks by the M23 against civilians and MONUSCO, which have led to civilian casualties and loss of life, the death of a peacekeeper and the injury of several others, and damage to a MONUSCO ambulance.
The members of the Security Council expressed their condolences to the family of the peacekeeper killed in the attack, as well as to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and to MONUSCO. They called on the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to swiftly investigate the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice.
They recalled that intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the UN, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict, constitutes a crime under international law.
They reiterated their demand to M23 and other armed groups including FDLR to cease immediately all forms of violence and that their members immediately and permanently disband and lay down their arms. In this regard, they reiterated their readiness to adopt additional targeted sanctions against those acting in violation of the sanctions regime and the arms embargo.
The Members of the Security Council also expressed concern at reports of repeated mortar shells and bombs landing in Rwandan territory, and called for a thorough investigation into the sources of these shells and bombs by the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM).
The members of the Security Council commended the active steps taken by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to implement its mandate, in particular the protection of civilians, and encouraged the continuation of these efforts. They welcomed SRSG’s Kobler order to the force to take all necessary actions to protect civilians. They emphasized that any –effort to undermine MONUSCO’s ability to implement its mandate will not be tolerated.”

©2013 AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Benzion August 31, 2013, 4:28 pm

    The “real Mai-Mai” are a groups of autochtones self-formed auto-defence militia by local to fight the Rwanda and Ugandese invaders … As soon as Uganda, Rwanda personals and others foreign thugs withdraw from Congo, the mai-mai local youth will be dismantle by a responsible government in Congo… Kagame need to start reconciling with the Hutus… He has already massacred a lot of them(innocent women and children in the Congo bush…the new breed of hutus have nothing to do with the genocide…. The M23 are essentially made up of Rwanda military personals… for the record the real Congo tutsis are working in the government of Kabila…Nowan is harmon them save those who are traitors who are working for Rwanda and Kagame… The police chief in Congo, Charles Bisengimana is tutsi whose parent are from Rwanda… Kagame need to forgo is crazy dream of Making the Kivu a republic of Tutsi… the Tutsi in kivu are just a minority…Most of congolese do not want their land mineral riches being exploited by Rwanda or Uganda…

  • Benzion August 30, 2013, 10:42 pm

    The mapping report, United nation expert reportsw over reports, Emma Bonino report, all confirm that Rwanda has never quit Congo since the invasion deceitfully caller rebellion in 1996… The goal of Kagame and Museveni were to establish puppet president in Congo, to massacre(revenge) the fleing hutus and to occupy and plunder the East part of Congo… His strategies: 1.Using and promoting false excuses of the menace of minority tutsi extermination in Congo. 2. weakening and controlling Congo army by pouring in the rwanda soldiers in the congo army through various dialogues and integrations of rwanda militaires deceitfully called Congo rebels… 3. creating false hutus rebels(released hutus prisoners trained and financed by Kagame RDF) to maintain a state of chaos and insecurity in Congo. Mr Kagame has to changed his evil plan … Most of Congolese people(interior and diaspora) don’t want see his rwandese military in the congo army nor his puppet as their president… Kagame and his tribe’s ally Museveni adventure has cost more than 4 million death in Congo. Who is Bosco Tangana( rwanda soldier) sent in congo since 1996… Made general in Congo by the dialogue forced on Congo for the sake of false peace… Without justice there is not real peace.

  • Benzion August 29, 2013, 11:49 pm

    The same old song of condamning the M23 while ignoring 15 years of indeniable proof that Kagame rwanda’s army and Museveni Uganda’s army force are the one’s fighting for the M23 and others criminal groups.

    • NIKITA MORGAN August 30, 2013, 12:43 pm

      Maybe you’re right but M23 is not the only problem here. Tell me Benzion who is supporting Mai Mai? Who is supporting other rebels group in DRC? Oh what about the FDLR? I think we should be talking about dismantling all negative forces in the region

      • Yeremiya August 30, 2013, 3:31 pm

        I am puzzled by your contradictions. On the one side, you talk about peace, GOD’s judgment, etc and on the other, war and negative forces. Be consistent, for God’s sake! Peace can only be negotiated among enemies. If you really are a Christian, why don’t instead promote peace and tolerance, instead of annihilation of the other. What is wrong with the regional leaders negotiating with their armed opposition as Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete proposed: Kabila vs M23 rebels, Kagame vs FDLR, RPR, and RUD, and Museveni vs ADF/NALU?
        If there are criminals within any of these armed groups and, by the way, within Congolese, Rwandan and Ugandan governments, let them face prosecution and justice. But let peace negotiations have precedence over war.

        • NIKITA MORGAN August 30, 2013, 5:54 pm

          Remember when you said that I am being hypocrite and taking side, well if you are being one because you are not being sincere with yourself, what is a negative force? to me is everyone in the region threatening innocent lives like yours and mine without distinction including their supporters. Then my question remains the same who is supporting those forces I mentioned I above? Let agree that tomorrow the M23 is dismantled, does that mean that Mai Mai, FDRL and other problems are solved? My point is that we should apply the Matthew verse to all of us. Peace be with you brother

          • Yeremiya August 31, 2013, 10:35 pm

            If “negative forces” mean what you say, then it is not just M23, Mai-Mai, and FDRL. They should also include Ex-FAR (see genocide), Rwandan Patriotic Army/Rwandan Defense Forces (see UN Mapping Report, Kibeho massacres, Bagogwe massacres, Bishop massacres), etc.
            So the peaceful solution is simple and I have already given it to you: What is wrong with the regional leaders negotiating with their armed opposition as Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete proposed: Kabila vs M23 rebels, Kagame vs FDLR, RPR, and RUD, and Museveni vs ADF/NALU? Isn’t this the best path to peace?