
Flagship Yale University Criticized for Hosting General Paul Kagame a.k.a The Butcher of Congo

Rwandan General Paul Kagame accused of widespread crimes against humanity and genocide in Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC

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He has been accused of multiple crimes, including systematic mass murders, ethnic cleansing, and genocides in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC).

His accusers have included people from all walks of life and institutions: The United Nations, academics, researchers, NGOs, governments, journalists, and simple people. 

The man, responsible for the death of more than 7 million unarmed civilians in the last 20 years is General Paul Kagame of Rwanda. He will be honored by Yale University with a Coca-Cola Prize on September 20, 2016.

This honor has outraged Yale University academics, students and alumni  in the US and around the World, leading to the Editor of Yale Daily News publishing the following editor's note (see Welcoming the Butcher here in Yale Daily News, here):

"Editor’s Note:  It is the policy of the News not to publish anonymous stories, but in this case we have made an exception. The name of the author has been withheld to ensure their safety and the safety of their family. The editors know the identity of the writer and reviewed their story to confirm its accuracy."

The article referred to by Yale Daily News Editor starts as follows: 

"I felt horrified when I learned that the Yale Africa Initiative, the University’s attempt to engage Africans and its institutions, has invited Mr. Paul Kagame, Rwanda’s dictator since 1994, to deliver this year’s Coca-Cola World Fund Lecture at Yale..."