
Rwandan General Paul Kagame Meets Congolese Opposition Leaders, Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi, in Davos and Addis-Ababa.

Congolese opposition leader Moise Katumbi, when he was still Governor of Katanga Province

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Sources close to Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) opposition leader, Moise Katumbi, have told AfroAmerica Network that during the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, between January 23-26, Rwandan Paul Kagame invited and met opposition leaders, including Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi.  Paul Kagame flew the Congolese leaders  through Austria to Davos. The timing and purpose of the meetings between Paul Kagame and Congolese opposition leaders appear puzzling. Immediate questions include: why the meeting now, in Davos and in Addis-Abeba?  why meeting the Congolese opposition leaders, but not Rwandan opposition leaders?  and why Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi?

 After the meeting in Davos, Paul Kagame, who is to become the new Chairman of African Union, during a summit in Addis-Ababa, to be held between January 27-28, invited the two Congolese leaders and flew them to Addis-Abeba, for more private meetings.

In fact, these meeting happen when the political situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains volatile. Lately, Catholic Church and opposition leaders, once allied with Congolese President Joseph Kabila, have joined public protests.

Despite pressure, both internal and external, on DRC President Joseph Kabila to accept the peaceful transfer of power, with major concessions from the opposition to allow a smooth transition, Joseph Kabila has so far refused to step down, according to the constitution, or commit to organizing elections.

Hence, according to the sources, the meetings secretly held by Paul Kagame with Congolese opposition appear to prepare a new leader, controllable by Paul Kagame, in case Joseph Kabila is overthrown. Joseph Kabila has been a closest ally to Paul Kagame of Rwanda. Recently, Joseph Kabila borrowed and brought in the DRC, Rwandan special forces to reinforce his Republican Guard.

However, Joseph Kabila himself appears not phased but the threats agains his regime. According to sources in Katanga, his region of origin, he has started to prepare a referendum to change the constitution, to eliminate term limit provisions, similar to what happened in the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.

Recently, he sent to Eastern DRC one of his closest aide Eugene Serufuri Ngayabaseka, a former North-Kivu governor, currently a cabinet minister in change of small and medium companies, to prepare for a potential referendum in Eastern DRC. Angry protesters from his own tribe attacked his convoy and set his house and those of his relatives on fire. He reportedly barely escaped a mob lynching and fled back to Kinshasa, with the help of MONUSCO and FARDC.

Hence, according to analysts, General Paul Kagame appears to have sided with those who think that Joseph Kabila's days as President of DRC are numbered. Since General Paul Kagame and his closest aides do not want to lose the benefits from their close relations with Congolese leaders, especially the looted minerals and other natural resources, he has rushed to prepare a new leader.

According to the sources, the new leader selected by Paul Kagame and being groomed during these meeting will be Moise Katumbi, with Mbusa Nyamwisi, also to play a major role in the new government, if the plot succeeds. 

It also reported that Vital Kamerhe was invited to Addis-Ababa, but decided to decline.

Meanwhile, in Kigali, Rwandan Defense Minister James Kabarebe has been holding separate meetings with some current and former FARDC officers who may support the initiative, to be launched in upcoming days.